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Panyin Jimmerson

    Panyin "PJ" Jimmerson has been with the agency since 2020. She is married with two children and is multi talented in Singing, Fashion, and a total professional. She specializes in Life and Health, and has experience in benefit enrollments plus recruiting. pjimmersonlifeagent@gmail.com 816-210-3661

Marcheta Dickens

Marcheta Dickens has been with the agency since 2020. She brings lots of experience and networking to our team. She is our Kansas agent and specializes in Life, Health, and Medicare for our senior clients. mdservinginssolution@gmail.com 913-565-1076

Jazmin Rackley

Jazmin Rackley has been with the agency since 2022. She brings the fun and excitement to the team. She is a mother to a teenage daughter and an entreprenuer as a Lash Extension Artist. She is fully licensed in P&C and L&H. But she is passionate about helping the senior market with Medicare and Final Expense plans. jazmin.insurance@mail.com 913-735-4311

Malachy Alceac

Malachy Alceac our agent located in Florida. He specializes in the Health insurance space. Licensed in Life & Health and is very knowledgeable and understands suitability for our clients product and services. malceac@malachymultiservices.com 954-842-6424

Don’t leave your future to chance. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced agents. We’re here to answer your questions and help you navigate your insurance options. At Williams Insurance Agency, we’re more than just your insurance brokerage; we’re your partners in protection. Let’s work together to secure your peace of mind!